
Pandas Cookbook

Pandas is a Python package with extensive data management and analysis functionality. In this section, we will review a handful of practical techniques for taking advantage of Pandas capabilities. This is not intended to be an exhaustive review of Pandas; rather, we focus instead on using Pandas to perform common data management and analysis tasks. There are excellent resources on pandas online, starting with the official site, An excellent 10-minute tutorial for pandas beginners is also available online.

Central to Pandas is the DataFrame object, which holds rectangular collections of data (rows and columns - think of an Excel spreadsheet). It is a table of data, and Pandas provides a number of methods and objects for manipulating and analyzing this data.

In this cookbook, we focus on providing recipes for the following common pandas tasks:

  1. Reading and writing data from a CSV or Excel file.
  2. Creating a Pandas dataframe from data
  3. Extracting rows, columns of data from a Dataframe
  4. Filtering Datasets with a Query
  5. Sorting Data in a Dataframe

Reading/writing data from/to a file

Pandas provides a set of high-level functions for reading and writing data files in several common formats, perhaps most helpfully, CSV (comma-separated values) and Microsoft Excel files. In all of the cases below, data is read into a DataFrame object, rows and columns of data, including labels. The DataFrame object exposes a number of methods we will take advange of below, but let's start with getting a DataFrame filled with data from a file.

The read_csv and read_excel functions used below have many additional options - see the documents at:

import pandas as pd

# read a local CSV file
#df = pd.read_csv( '/somepath/somefile.csv' )

# read from a web url
#df = pd.read_csv( "")

# some options - change field delimiter
#              - skip top two rows before reading header, data
#              - only get columns 0, 3 and 4
#df = pd.read_csv( '/somepath/somefile.txt', sep=' ', skiprows=2, usecols=(0,3,4))

# some more options - interpret'Date" field as 'date' type
#              - tell it that our dates have the date first instead of the month first
#              - set the index to be the 'Date' column
#df = pd.read_csv( '/somepath/somefile.txt', parse_dates=['Date'], dayfirst=True, index_col='Date' )

# using excel instead csv/text file
#df = pd.read_excel( '/somepath/somefile.xlsx')   # all the option above apply here as well
df = pd.read_excel( "")   # from a web address

# ---- Saving data ----

# save as CSV (see docs for options)

# save as Excel (see docs for options)
   StationID       Date  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
0   14166000 2000-10-05   44.2704  236.82629                 6480       11.71220             14.4
1   14166000 2000-10-06   44.2704  236.82629                 6390        9.79153             14.6
2   14166000 2000-10-07   44.2704  236.82629                 6450        9.85095             14.7
3   14166000 2000-10-08   44.2704  236.82629                 6430       11.53120             14.6
4   14166000 2000-10-09   44.2704  236.82629                 6630       12.19230             14.6

Creating a DataFrame from arrays of data

import pandas as pd

years = [2010,2011,2012,2013,2014]
fireArea = [1.455,2.433,1.665,4.344,5.1243]

# merge the two lists into pairs of data
dataset = list(zip(years,fireArea))
print('Zipped list: ', dataset)

df = pd.DataFrame(data=dataset, columns=['Years','Fire Area'])
print( '\nDataFrame:')
# save as a csv file.  See docs for options 
Zipped list:  [(2010, 1.455), (2011, 2.433), (2012, 1.665), (2013, 4.344), (2014, 5.1243)]

   Years  Fire Area
0   2010     1.4550
1   2011     2.4330
2   2012     1.6650
3   2013     4.3440
4   2014     5.1243

Getting Columns of Data from a DataFrame

We can extract a column of data from a dataframe using the column label as a dictionary key (using bracket ([]) notation, returning a column of data (along with an index, of one exists for the DataFrame). The data is return into a pandas Series object, which is basically a wrapper around a numpy array.

import pandas as pd

# get some data
df = pd.read_excel( "", parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date')   # from a web address

stationIDs = df['StationID']
discharges = df['StreamDischarge_cfs']

# get the underlying numpy array
d_array = discharges.values

# we can also plot the data!  Note that the x axis takes advantage of the index we specified above.
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fb23e4114e0>

Examining DataFrame objects and extracting rows, columns of data

import pandas as pd

# get some data
df = pd.read_excel( "",
                   parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date')   # from a web address

# print column names
print( "Column names")
print( df.columns)

# print the first few rows (using slicing)
print('\nFirst few rows')
print( df[:3].to_string() )

# print first few rows of a given column 
print('\nFirst few rows of "StationID"')
print( df['StationID'][:3].to_string() )

# get multiple columns.  NOTE the columns names are in a list inside the indexer []s
print('\nMultiple columns')
print( df[['StationID','StreamDischarge_cfs']][:3].to_string() )

# and a bar chart!
Column names
Index(['StationID', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'StreamDischarge_cfs',
       'MeanAirTemp_C', 'MaxStreamTemp_C'],

First few rows
            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480       11.71220             14.4
2000-10-06   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6390        9.79153             14.6
2000-10-07   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6450        9.85095             14.7

First few rows of "StationID"
2000-10-05    14166000
2000-10-06    14166000
2000-10-07    14166000

Multiple columns
            StationID  StreamDischarge_cfs
2000-10-05   14166000                 6480
2000-10-06   14166000                 6390
2000-10-07   14166000                 6450
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f69c8a275f8>

Filtering rows in a Dataframe (using .query())

import pandas as pd

# get some data
df = pd.read_excel( "",
                   parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date')   # from a web address

# print the full dataframe
print("\n\n-- Full DataFrame  ------------------------------------\n")

# filter to only queries that have MeanAirTemps greater than 10C
print("\n\n-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10) --------------------------\n")
print(df.query('MeanAirTemp_C > 10').to_string())
# the next example show "chained" query statements
print("\n\n-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10 and MaxStreamTemp>14.5) ---\n")
df1 = df.query('MeanAirTemp_C > 10').query('MaxStreamTemp_C > 14.5')
print( df1.to_string())

# the next example shows usage of pandas boolean operators in the query string  
print("\n\n-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10 and MaxStreamTemp<14.5) ---\n")
df2 = df.query('MeanAirTemp_C > 10 & MaxStreamTemp_C < 14.5')

-- Full DataFrame  ------------------------------------

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480       11.71220             14.4
2000-10-06   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6390        9.79153             14.6
2000-10-07   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6450        9.85095             14.7
2000-10-08   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6430       11.53120             14.6
2000-10-09   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6630       12.19230             14.6

-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10) --------------------------

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480        11.7122             14.4
2000-10-08   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6430        11.5312             14.6
2000-10-09   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6630        12.1923             14.6

-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10 and MaxStreamTemp>14.5) ---

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-08   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6430        11.5312             14.6
2000-10-09   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6630        12.1923             14.6

-- Filtered (MeanAirTemp>10 and MaxStreamTemp<14.5) ---

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480        11.7122             14.4

Sorting Dataframes (using .sort())

import pandas as pd

# get some data
df = pd.read_excel( "",
                   parse_dates=['Date'], index_col='Date')   # from a web address

# print the full dataframe
print("\n\n-- Full DataFrame  ------------------------------------\n")

# sort based on stream discharge
dfSorted = df.sort_values(by=['StreamDischarge_cfs'],ascending=True)
print("\n\n-- Sorted by Stream Discharge --------------------------\n")

-- Full DataFrame  ------------------------------------

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480       11.71220             14.4
2000-10-06   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6390        9.79153             14.6
2000-10-07   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6450        9.85095             14.7
2000-10-08   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6430       11.53120             14.6
2000-10-09   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6630       12.19230             14.6

-- Sorted by Stream Discharge --------------------------

            StationID  Latitude  Longitude  StreamDischarge_cfs  MeanAirTemp_C  MaxStreamTemp_C
2000-10-06   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6390        9.79153             14.6
2000-10-08   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6430       11.53120             14.6
2000-10-07   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6450        9.85095             14.7
2000-10-05   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6480       11.71220             14.4
2000-10-09   14166000   44.2704  236.82629                 6630       12.19230             14.6