

This collection of Jupyter Notebooks describe a wide range of problems encountered in the practice of Ecological Engineering. These notebooks examine methods used in ecological engineering analysis, with particular attention paid to ecological engineering design. We examine a variety of frequently encountered problem domains in ecological engineering practice.

Example problem solutions are generally solved with short Python programs. We use Python because it is a simple language to understand and learn, Python syntax is clean and simple, and availability of supporting libraries providing advanced functionality for data handling, data analysis, and engineering computation. Topics are presented through a series of Jupyter Notebooks, which allow interspersing formatted text with Python code and Python-generated output.


Ecologial engineering problem domains adressed in this handbook are presented below.

  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Geospatial Analysis and Modeling
  • Bioprocess Engineering and Resource Recovery
  • Ecosystem Restoration Engineering
  • Agricultural Systems Engineering
  • General Ecological Engineering

In each domain, we examine a number of frequently encountered design tasks. Our general approach is to:

  1. Identify the design task,
  2. Describe the approach to analyzing the problem using appropriate engineering techniques,
  3. Identify needed data and other inputs into the solution technique,
  4. Implement the solution using Python.
  5. identify limitations and possible alternative approaches.